martes, 9 de enero de 2018


Resultado de imagen de las mujeres de verdad tienen curvaReal Women Have Curves is a comedy and real-life drama film. It was directed by Patricia Cardoso and filmed in the year 2002 in LA.
The main character is a Mexican teenager named Ana García, who tries to pursue her dream which is to continue her studies. But her mother, doesn't want her to go to college and prefers her to stay with the family.
Ana tries to go to the University, but her problems forbid her to continue to study.

One day, her teacher visited the family to talk about the future of Ana telling them that she could get a one year scholarship in one of the greatest universities in America thanks to her intelligence. Although knowing the mother’s selfishness, Ana still decides to hand-in all the requirements to get it and with a desire for her mother to change her mind.

To conclude, it’s a meaningful and significant movie which tries to show you to never give up no matter what happens and what others say to you. Real Women Have Curves is a comedy and real-life drama film. It was directed by Patricia Cardoso and filmed in the year 2002 in LA. The main character is a Mexican teenager named Ana García, who tries to pursue her dream which is to continue her studies. But her mother, doesn’t want her to go to college and prefers her to stay with the family.

Continue to pursue your dreams and don't forget to love yourself.